So I am posting this for a few reasons; 1. it's pretty funny/ cool and 2. I have this friend thats a girl (what ever that means) who is obsessed with JT so I guess this might get me a couple brownie points? I'll keep you posted on that. Anyway they do this 4 ish minute skit bouncing from song to song and its pretty cool. Plus, Timberlake is a boss, guy has so much $wag its not even funny. And lastly, when JT goes into the crowd I couldn't believe how controlled those teenage girls were... I went to the Taking Back Sunday concert last night with this friend of mine and when I was jamming out with the lead singer I swore she was going to rape him, but she didn't, so I was proud of her, but she had that look in her eye.
The video can be found on the right side on the sidebar.
Hahahahahahahaha dyingggg over this post