
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jersey Shore Season 4 Trailer Has Arrived

You've got to be fist fucking me with this trailer. Shit is fucking bananas, b-a-..... ana anas. I mean just when i think this shit can't get any better it somehow does. This season looks like its more sex and violence which is what has made this show the hit of my 4 years of college. But it almost sounds too violent... Listen to the trailer without watching it and all you hear is people screaming, Snookie being  bleeped out, 2 cops going to the hospital, Mike having roid rage and Snookie screaming some more. But hold up. Lets recap this Trailer. Things we can expect to happen this season.

1.They are going to Italy
2. Jwowws Boobies are going to Italy -(Yahhhhtzee)
3.Mike is cocky and old as ever
4.The Girls shouldn't be left alone in the city, nevermind driving
5.They have a bidet (I also have one in my house, so points for me)
6. Pauly and Deena get ridiculously sloppy
7.Mike is a creep and somehow gets pussy
8. Snookie shouldn't drive, does, runs into a cop car
9. They fight...a lot
10. Snookie and Mike??? WTF? What happened to Vinny?
11. Snookie has a boyfriend? WTF?
12.Mike and Ronnie are juicing more than ever
13. Ronnie looks at Mikey and says  "One punch bro"
14. Vinny and Pauly run show

Ok now that I recapped the video for you a couple things I found to be profounding observations; Notice the names that are mentioned multiple times: Ronnie, Snookie and Mike. Who would have fucking thought those 3 provide 90% of the drama for this show. The only shocker is that we didnt see much if not any footage of Sammy in this trailer. I did some research and it looks like she is in the season so I am very surprised to not see any Sammy drama. Lastly this just shows that Vinny and Pauly are the only people in this show who are somewhat normal. Those two just go where ever when ever and have a fucking blast. They go balls to the walls and are happy drunks unless people piss me off. If I had to pick a Jshore posse to go out on the town with itd be so easy; Vinny, Pauly, Jwoww and Deena. I got my 2 bro's to kick it with and have a blast and two chicks with bombs to stare at all night. Winning.

Can't wait for August 4th!

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